We offer reports on the Argentine economic and financial situation, focused on key aspects such as the level of activity, fiscal accounts, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.
We make in-company presentations on the Argentine and international economic situation, adjusting to the client's needs.
We are available for specific queries from our clients on current issues via phone or email.
We prepare detailed long-term economic forecasts and alternative scenarios for budgeting and decision making.
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Last Reports
The meeting between Milei and Trump had an impact because it took place just a week after the elections, and because Milei was the first president to meet with the president-elect since then. The meeting was framed in a context where the government has been doing well. The fiscal balance is consolidated as non-negotiable, inflation has been falling faster than expected, the country risk has already pierced 800 basis points and Milei continues to maintain a high level of support. In the meantime, economic activity has started to turn around and, although slowly, wages continue to recover.
The government continues to give no signals as to when it will lift the FX restrictions. At Econviews we work with two possible scenarios for the exchange rate unification. If the government prioritizes growth and the normalization of the economy, unification will occur in early next year. This is our base scenario and we assign a 60% probability to it. On the other hand, if the priority is to lower inflation, we estimate that the timing of unification will be after the mid-term elections. We believe there is a 40% chance of this happening.
Después de subir 19 puntos en septiembre, el ICF ganó otros 32 en octubre llegando a 59.5 unidades, quedando cerca del promedio de 2016-17 (60.2 puntos). El alza fue mayormente gracias a las condiciones locales, que treparon 28 puntos a 42.9 unidades, máximos desde abril de 2018 cuando empezó la crisis cambiaria. Las condiciones externas mejoraron 4 puntos a 16.6 unidades, antes de las elecciones en EEUU.
Datazo de inflación en octubre. El IPC dio 2.7% en octubre y se desaceleró fuerte respecto al 3.5% de septiembre. La película tiene dos partes distintas. Los bienes ya caminan al 2.1% mensual (casi al ritmo del crawling), mientras que los servicios trotan al 4.3%, presionados por los salarios que se vienen recuperando levemente por encima de la inflación y la recomposición de las tarifas. El dato es muy positivo, y va a ayudar a seguir desinflando las expectativas, un elemento crucial para quebrar la inercia en servicios. Esperamos que en noviembre la inflación siga en torno a 2.7%, y un leve repunte en diciembre.
- weekly
A Crucial Test for Milei: The Aerolíneas Conflict and the Legacy of Thatcher and Reagan
The conflict between Milei’s government and Aerolíneas Argentinas, along with Intercargo, is not merely a clash with a unionized sector or part of a budget-cutting plan; it’s a pivotal battle to determine whether a regime change can be achieved—a watershed moment for advancing other structural reforms. While the macroeconomic program is central to bringing down inflation and achieving stability, deregulation and structural reforms are essential for sustained growth.
Más rápido de lo que muchos economistas esperaban, el Gobierno va consolidando su objetivo de cerrar el año con déficit fiscal cero, mejora de las cuentas del Banco Central, y camino a la tasa de inflación de un dígito porcentual….
About Us
Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. Professor and researcher at the Di Tella University and academic advisor at FIEL
With vast experience as an advisor to multilateral organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as several Latin American countries, he held prominent roles in the financial sector, including the presidency of Banco Hipotecario S.A. and functions in the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, and taught at institutions such as CEMA, Georgetown University, and Columbia University.
He is a columnist and author of numerous articles in international publications. Author of the book “The Argentine economic crisis, a history of adjustments and imbalances” with Sebastián Kiguel.
Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK).
He was an economic consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and at Econviews. He also served as an advisor at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Transport of Argentina.
Alejandro Giacoia
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Finance (Di Tella)
Pamela Morales
Bachelor of Economics (UCEMA).
Associate Professor of Macroeconomics UCEMA
Rafael Aguilar
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
He was an assistant in the UBA National Accounts chair
Leila García
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Assistant in the UBA Argentine Economic History