We offer reports on the Argentine economic and financial situation, focused on key aspects such as the level of activity, fiscal accounts, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.
We make in-company presentations on the Argentine and international economic situation, adjusting to the client's needs.
We are available for specific queries from our clients on current issues via phone or email.
We prepare detailed long-term economic forecasts and alternative scenarios for budgeting and decision making.
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Last Reports
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Some hurdles on the way to the election: From Libra to higher country risk

Until now Milei’s image appeared to be bulletproof. Though recently, some of his statements generated criticisms that affected his image. It all started with an unfortunate dissertation in Davos, where he was aggressive with minorities. However, the biggest controversy came from a tweet in which he promoted the token Libra. The price of Libra skyrocketed almost immediately following his tweet, only to collapse a few hours later. In the process, the creators of Libra and some of the early buyers made around 100 million dollars. Although there is no evidence yet that Milei benefited from this maneuver, the fact that he publicized or supported the crypto generated noise around the world and has tainted his image.

Volatilidad en ascenso. En el plano internacional, siguen las idas y vueltas sobre la política comercial de Trump. En un déjà vu de 2018, la guerra comercial vuelve a escalar: Trump sube aranceles y China y Canadá anuncian represalias. Además, empiezan a aparecer signos de enfriamiento en la economía estadounidense y algunas presiones inflacionarias. El índice VIX, que mide la volatilidad del mercado, subió un 40% en el último mes, mientras que los commodities cotizan a la baja. Lo que más nos preocupa: un posible flight to quality y una mayor caída en los precios de la soja y el petróleo. La experiencia de 2018 muestra que, aunque puede haber desvío de comercio, los precios locales tienden a seguir la tendencia internacional. En Econviews esperamos que la volatilidad persista y que los commodities se mantengan en niveles más bajos en 2025.

The last few weeks have been a real headache for the government. The Merval has been on a slide, accumulating a fall of more than 20% in dollars so far this year, and the country risk jumped more than 200 basis points to 780. The FX spread, which until a few months ago was plummeting, now needs official intervention to avoid exceeding 15%. The good news is that, despite the deterioration in the financial variables -not yet alarming- the economy is still in recovery mode and inflation continues to fall, beyond some resistance it could show in February and March.

La recuperación sigue sorprendiendo. En diciembre, la actividad creció 0.5%, confirmando que el repunte sigue con fuerza. También se corrigieron los datos anteriores: enero y febrero, que parecían flojos, ahora aparecen con signo positivo. Con esta nueva foto, la economía habría caído 1.8% en 2024, pero la remontada de 6.8% entre abril y diciembre deja un arrastre estadístico de 3.2% para 2025. Con este envión, esperamos un crecimiento de 5.5% para todo el año.
Más rápido de lo que muchos economistas esperaban, el Gobierno va consolidando su objetivo de cerrar el año con déficit fiscal cero, mejora de las cuentas del Banco Central, y camino a la tasa de inflación de un dígito porcentual….
About Us

Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. Professor and researcher at the Di Tella University and academic advisor at FIEL
With vast experience as an advisor to multilateral organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as several Latin American countries, he held prominent roles in the financial sector, including the presidency of Banco Hipotecario S.A. and functions in the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, and taught at institutions such as CEMA, Georgetown University, and Columbia University.
He is a columnist and author of numerous articles in international publications. Author of the book “The Argentine economic crisis, a history of adjustments and imbalances” with Sebastián Kiguel.

Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK).
He was an economic consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and at Econviews. He also served as an advisor at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Transport of Argentina.

Alejandro Giacoia
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Finance (Di Tella)

Pamela Morales
Bachelor of Economics (UCEMA).
Associate Professor of Macroeconomics UCEMA

Rafael Aguilar
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
He was an assistant in the UBA National Accounts chair

Leila García
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Assistant in the UBA Argentine Economic History