We offer reports on the Argentine economic and financial situation, focused on key aspects such as the level of activity, fiscal accounts, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates.
We make in-company presentations on the Argentine and international economic situation, adjusting to the client's needs.
We are available for specific queries from our clients on current issues via phone or email.
We prepare detailed long-term economic forecasts and alternative scenarios for budgeting and decision making.
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Last Reports
2024 is coming to an end and at Econviews we wanted to finish by summarizing the best and worst of the year. It was undoubtedly a year that we will remember and with the pass of time we will be able to put it in historical context. For now, this list is a contribution so that everyone can draw their own conclusions before the holidays.
Se calienta la brecha. Los tipos de cambio paralelos se despertaron y acumularon una suba de 6.5% en la última semana llevando la brecha a 12.5%. Diciembre suele ser un mes con mayor demanda de dólares por turismo y el aguinaldo le echa un poco de nafta al fuego. A esto se sumó la última baja de tasas que le quitó atractivo al carry y causó que algunos inversores se tienten a cerrar el trade. Seguramente el Central intervenga con los dólares comprados en el último tiempo. Por ahora, la brecha sigue siendo baja, pero habrá que monitorear cómo sigue esto.
Luego de semanas de inestabilidad, el miércoles 11 el Banco Central subió 100 bps la tasa Selic a 12.25%, sorprendiendo al mercado que esperaba 75. El comunicado dio a entender que volverá a subir de a 100 en las próximas dos reuniones, dejando la tasa en 14.25% para marzo. No llegaba tan alto desde 2016. El anuncio no alcanzó para tranquilizar al Real, que sigue cotizando en 6.06 por dólar, depreciándose 4.4% en el último mes. La Bolsa de São Paulo perdió 2.4% en ese lapso, arrastrada por los bancos. El jueves el Banco Central volvió a intervenir en el mercado cambiario, con ventas por USD 4 MM como en noviembre.
In his speech to evaluate his first year in office, Milei showed satisfaction with the achievements obtained, and it was made in a calmer tone than we are used to, which is comforting. It was clear that 2024 was the year of stabilization and of surfing the crisis left by the previous government, and 2025 will have to be the year of consolidation and growth.
Más rápido de lo que muchos economistas esperaban, el Gobierno va consolidando su objetivo de cerrar el año con déficit fiscal cero, mejora de las cuentas del Banco Central, y camino a la tasa de inflación de un dígito porcentual….
About Us
Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University. Professor and researcher at the Di Tella University and academic advisor at FIEL
With vast experience as an advisor to multilateral organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as several Latin American countries, he held prominent roles in the financial sector, including the presidency of Banco Hipotecario S.A. and functions in the Ministry of Economy and the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.
He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, and taught at institutions such as CEMA, Georgetown University, and Columbia University.
He is a columnist and author of numerous articles in international publications. Author of the book “The Argentine economic crisis, a history of adjustments and imbalances” with Sebastián Kiguel.
Graduate in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires and MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK).
He was an economic consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and at Econviews. He also served as an advisor at the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Transport of Argentina.
Alejandro Giacoia
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Finance (Di Tella)
Pamela Morales
Bachelor of Economics (UCEMA).
Associate Professor of Macroeconomics UCEMA
Rafael Aguilar
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
He was an assistant in the UBA National Accounts chair
Leila García
Bachelor of Economics (UBA).
Assistant in the UBA Argentine Economic History