The economy: one eye on reserves and the other on the opinion polls

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The economy: one eye on reserves and the other on the opinion polls

Julio 2013

After months of suspense Sergio Massa, the major of Tigre, finally decided to run for Congressman in the Province of Buenos Aires. He is a Peronist, he worked for Cristina as chief of cabinet in 2008 and 2009, he appeared in wikileaks characterizing Nestor Kirchner as stubborn and even called him a monster, and is leading a list that includes a potpourri of candidates that range from former Kirchnerists (such as the major of Almirante Brown Giustozzi and the industrial leader de Mendiguren), to the center left (Adrián Perez who was close to Lilita Carrió), to candidates from the center right Mauricio Macri’s PRO.

It is thus not surprising that people are not sure about where he does stand. Some voters are concerned that he will be a Troyan Horse; and that he will first run now against Cristina only to become her ally at a later stage, others see him as the new leader who will defeat Cristina and try to lead the country into a more reasonable and predictable course. We tend to share this last view.