


Dr. Miguel A. Kiguel

Executive Director

Miguel A. Kiguel holds a BA in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires (1976) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University (1983).
Currently, he is Executive Director of EconViews, an economic and financial consultancy, a professor and researcher at Di Tella University, and is an academic advisor to FIEL. He is also a member of the board at various financial institutions and a regular speaker at conferences on macroeconomic and financial issues.
He has been an advisor to multilateral institutions, including the IMF, the World Bank, the Interamerican Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the Bank of International Settlements and the Corporacion Andina de Fomento, and to several countries in Latin America on issues related to macroeconomics, financial markets and debt management.
He was President of Banco Hipotecario S.A, Undersecretary of Finance and Chief Advisor to the Minister of the Economy of Argentina, Deputy General Manager for Economics and Finance and Chief economist at the Central Bank of Argentina, Principal Economist at theWorld Bank, and was an Associate Economist at the Institute for International Economics in Washington DC. He was also President of the Tzedaká Foundation in Argentina.

He was Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland and has also taught at CEMA (Center for Macroeconomic Studies in Argentina), at Georgetown University and Columbia University. He is regular speaker at conferences, a columnist at major local newspapers and has written numerous articles in international professional publications on inflation, exchange rate policy and financial markets. Recently, he iahas written the book “The Argentine Economic Crisis, a history of adjustments and disarrays” jointly with Sebastian Kiguel.



Andrés Borenstein

Chief Economist

Andrés Borenstein is a trained economist with a degree from Buenos Aires University and Masters in Finance from Universidad Torcuato di Tella.

He is currently Associate Economist at Econviews and teaches at both Universidad de Buenos Aires (tenured) on public finance and at Universidad Torcuato di Tella (visiting) in the MBA, Masters in Law & Economics and in Executive education programs.

He has been Chief Economist for Argentina at BTG Pactual and South American economist for the British government based in the British Embassy in Buenos Aires. He also worked as a financial journalist for Clarín and El Economista and was a member of the board of several firms and NGOs and a frequent speaker at corporate and charity events.



Alejandro Giacoia


He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires.

He is currently an Economist at Econviews.




Delfina María Colacilli

Delfina María Colacilli


She holds a degree in Economics from Buenos Aires University and is writing a thesis to obtain a Master’s degree in Economics (FCE-UBA).

She is currently an Economist at Econviews.

She holds previously a research scholarship (FCE-UBA).He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires.


Rafael Aguilar


He is studying Economics at the University of Buenos Aires

He is currently an Analyst in Econviews.





Pamela Morales Jourdan


Bachelor in Economics, UCEMA

She is economist at Econviews.

She worked previously as an analyst in CRISIL and as an economist in ICYA.